Privacy Policy and Cookie Use

This website respects the privacy of its users and guarantees the maximum protection of personal data. This page describes the methods of collection, processing, and use of users’ personal data and the use of cookies.

Collection of personal data Users’ personal data is collected solely for the purposes specified in this privacy policy and based on personal data protection laws. These may include name, email address, postal address, telephone number, information on transactions carried out through the website, and other information voluntarily provided by users.

Processing of personal data Users’ personal data is treated with the utmost confidentiality and will not be shared with third parties without the prior consent of the user, unless required by law. However, we may share aggregated and statistical information on user activities with third parties without revealing any identifiable personal information.

Use of cookies The website uses cookies to personalize the user experience and to track users’ preferences and activities on the site. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user’s computer and can be used to recognize the user when they visit the website in the future. Users can disable cookies on their browser if they wish. However, this may limit the ability to use some of the site’s features.

Changes to this policy This website may periodically modify this privacy policy and cookie use to comply with personal data protection laws and to reflect changes to the site’s activities. Users are encouraged to periodically check this page for any changes made.

Information on user rights Users have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal data collected by this website. They may exercise these rights by contacting the data controller at the following email or postal addresses.

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